
Harsh environments evolved active food sharing as a means of communication


At what stage of our evolution did active (voluntary) food sharing, which is unique to humans, evolve?

Active (voluntary) food sharing presumably evolved in the period in which our human ancestors advanced into the savannah and faced the difficulties of food scarceness and dangerous predators. Living in sparse woodlands inhabited by large carnivores, but where few trees were available to aid with escape, our ancestors may have been forced to differentiate between foraging sites and feeding sites.

This was the first “food revolution” among humans, and it eventually made our brains bigger and supported the evolution of increased sociality.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
家族進化論』 第2章・第17節 食物の分配と共食  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)
人類進化論——霊長類学からの展開』 第6章 社会的知性とコミュニケーション   山極寿一 (裳華房、2008)

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