
Potato washing by Japanese macaques on Kojima Island

Evolution of Human Sociality Vol 1. Primatology as a Study of Society

The most well-known cultural behavior of Japanese macaques is the “potato washing” the macaques on Kojima Island. In 1954, researchers observed that a four-year-old female washed a sweet potato covered with sand in seawater before eating it. Furthermore, the female also demonstrated a form of “gold panning,” throwing oat grains mixed with sand into the water, and eating the oats that floated to the surface.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ニホンザルの生態』  河合雅雄 (河出書房新社、1969)
「ニホンザルにおける類カルチュア」  川村俊蔵(『サル 社会学的研究 今西錦司博士還暦記念論文集2』)所収 (中央公論社、1965))

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