
Intervention in agonistic interactions by a third party

Evolution of Human Sociality Vol 1. Primatology as a Study of Society

As opposed to the one-sided rank dominance-based negotiations among Japanese macaques, over a third of agonistic interactions among gorillas involve the intervention of a third party

If intervention in conflicts between Japanese macaques occurred that often, their linear ranking would collapse, and agonistic interactions would last longer and intensify.

So how do gorillas prevent agonistic interactions?

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
ゴリラとヒトの間』 第5章 独特なコミュニケーション  山極寿一 (講談社現代新書、1993)
「視線と性――マウンテンゴリラののぞき込み行動とホモセクシュアル交渉」  山極寿一(『性の民族誌』所収  須藤建一・杉島敬志編 (人文書院、1993))

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