
Our human ancestors were not hunters, but they were hunted

Man the Hunted: Primates, Predators, and Human Evolution 

For most of their evolutionary history, our human ancestors did not have effective hunting tools or a strong fighting ability. Presumably, human beings, like other primates, suffered from powerful predators such as carnivores.*

Human nature is not violent. Why and how have human beings become violent? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to provide an overview of aggression and communication in primates.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
Man the Hunted: Primates, Predators, and Human Evolution  Donna Hart, Robert Wald Sussman Basic Books (March 1, 2005)
暴力はどこからきたか——人間性の起源を探る』 第1章 攻撃性をめぐる神話  山極寿一(NHKブックス、2007)

*Mainly carnivorous mammals, with well-developed sense organs such as eyes, ears, nose, and tactile hair (such as whiskers) for capturing prey, as well as high-level motor skills. Terrestrial carnivores that we see in the present are those such as lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, bears, and hyenas, but other, larger types of carnivore roamed Africa in the past.

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