
The decrease in face-to-face communication and the rise of efficient living


With the spread of the Internet and smartphones, it has become possible to communicate with anyone, regardless of their location and without placing demands on our time. It has become possible for people to have conversations without having to meet each other. The profusion of home appliances and the spread of convenience stores have made people’s lives increasingly efficient, and we have more time to use freely, without worrying about others.

On the other hand, people are losing their “social time,” and the spirit of “sharing” that has been cultivated over millions of years is beginning to diminish.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
「サルから考える人間のコミュニティの未来」  山極寿一(『ネットコミュニティの設計と力』所収 pp.129~160  近藤淳也監修 (角川学芸出版、2015))

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