
What determines the structure of macaque society besides environmental factors?


These findings suggest that differences in social composition (group size and sex ratio) between the macaques on Yakushima and Kinkazan occur not only due to food abundance and distribution, but also other factors. Further investigation clarified that, even on Yakushima, the proportion of males is low for large groups. The maximum number of males in a group may be determined regardless of the group size.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
「日本の霊長類——ニホンザル研究の歴史と展望」  山極寿一 (『日本の哺乳類学2.中大型哺乳類・霊長類』所収 pp. 2949.  高槻成紀・山極寿一編 (東京大学出版会、2008))

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