
The expansion of violence


According to the phylogenetic analysis by José Gómez et al (2016), violence was kept low during the era of hunting and gathering, probably because groups were small and the land was shared with other groups. Violence increased as the population increased due to farming and pastoralism, and attachment to the land increased.*

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
家族進化論』 第6章・第8節 暴力と共同体の拡大  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)

*The mortality rate from intraspecific violence among all mammals is 0.3%, but it increases to 2.3% for primate common ancestors. This is probably because the primates began to live in groups, which increased conflict over territory. The intraspecific violence mortality rate is 1.8% in our common ancestors with the great apes, and 2.0% in the ancestors of Homo sapiens. It abruptly increases to 1530% in the Neolithic age, three thousand years ago.

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