
Individuals becoming “naked”


The development of communication technology has enabled people to live without relying on others.*

However, due to weakening ties with family and community, individuals are coming into contact with society completely “naked.” This is an era in which self-actualization is encouraged and self-responsibility is questioned. People have lost their dependable peers, and must protect themselves by means of insurance and other institutions. The need for lawyers and insurance systems is increasing.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
「サル化」する人間社会』 第7章 「サル化」する人間社会  山極寿一 (集英社、2014)
「サルから考える人間のコミュニティの未来」  山極寿一(『ネットコミュニティの設計と力』所収 pp.129~160  近藤淳也監修 (角川学芸出版、2015))

*Even if you don’t leave your room all day, you can obtain everything you need via the Internet and talk with friends. You can learn about the world, enjoy your favorite movies and music, and read material from all eras and places in the form electronic books.

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