
Primates are mammals with a slow life cycle


The life cycle of an individual is shaped by various events related to growth and reproduction, such as the gestational period, prenatal and postnatal growth rates, the age at which they first give birth, the weaning age, inter-birth intervals, and lifespan. The life cycle varies widely from species to species.*

Among mammals, primates have a particularly low number of babies per pregnancy, give birth for the first time at a later age, have a long pregnancy and lactation, low infant mortality, and a long life expectancy.

■References (Books, papers, Web articles, etc.)
人類進化論——霊長類学からの展開——』 第3章・第1節 サルの一生  山極寿一 (裳華房、2008)
家族進化論』 第4章・第2節 オナガザル類と類人猿のちがい  山極寿一 (東京大学出版会、2012)

*Large-sized species of mammal generally have longer gestational and growth periods, and give birth to fewer children at one time than small-sized species.

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