
著者: 湯本 貴和 (文) , 磯野 宏夫 (画) , 中島康夫(編集)
出版社: エメラルドフォレスト
ISBN : 9784990251123

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"The text is a multidimensional space, and there, the various Ekritule are connected and challenged, none of which originates. The text is a woven fabric of quotes that came from countless cultural centers."(Lauren Barth "Death of the Author" "Structural Analysis of the Story")


■Knowledge card visualizes "network of books (a woven fabric of quotes)" (click the URL below)



この記事は「 人類の社会性の進化(Evolution of the Human Sociality)」の「参考文献」リストの一つです。

This article is one of the "References list" of "「 人類の社会性の進化(Evolution of the Human Sociality)」"

iCardbook, a card-type specialized book that organizes “Knowledge Cards” is a new form of book in the smartphone age.

■iCardbookのメリット 読書にコスパ




■関連URL(Related URL)

京大について — 京都大学 http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/about

新刊案内『人類の社会性の進化(上下)』山極寿一・本郷峻 著 日本霊長類学会 Primate Society of Japan http://primate-society.com/2017/10/12/news-8/

[はじめに]『人類の社会性の進化』 – iCardbook|知の旅人に https://society-zero.com/icard/3353

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