Valuing the Earth: Economics, Ecology, Ethics (MIT Press)

著者: Herman E. Daly(編集) , Kenneth N. Townsend(編集)
出版社: The MIT Press
ISBN : 9780262540681

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Valuing the Earth collects more than twenty classic and recent essays that broaden economic thinking by setting the economy in its proper ecological and ethical context. They vividly demonstrate that, contrary to current macroeconomic preoccupations, continued growth on a planet of finite resources cannot be physically or economically sustained and is morally undesirable.」

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"The text is a multidimensional space, and there, the various Ekritule are connected and challenged, none of which originates. The text is a woven fabric of quotes that came from countless cultural centers."(Lauren Barth "Death of the Author" "Structural Analysis of the Story")


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